About us


H2E is not a classic story

H2E is much more than a branded name for a gas obtained by electrolysis of water. H2E is the great knowledge, experience and many years of work of interdisciplinary experts translated into a completely new technology for any combustion additized with hydrogen and oxygen gas.

20 talented engineers and technicians worked intensively on the research and development of H2E technology with great enthusiasm - with great support from the scientific community and numerous experts whom we turned to for help at various stages. Our goal was not profit, but to prove that we are capable of developing something new from scratch. Later we realized that it is actually a completely new technology, with huge potential and from which a whole range of new, almost revolutionary products can be created. We financed the development with our own funds, and if we ran out of funds, we would also do development for other, but only innovative automotive projects.



H2E is a completely new proprietary technology, developed by experts. Based on this technology, a system consisting of hardware and software, specially developed for the application of hydrogen and oxygen in internal combustion engines, was developed. After 10 years and at least 20,000 engineering hours, we can rightly say that H2E technology has no competition and that we have developed the most technologically advanced IC engine cleaning system.

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H2E Tehnologija Dekarbonizacija